Saturday, 27 January 2018

Tithe issue by Femi Aribisala

You Snakes! You Brood of Vipers!!”, By Femi Aribisala
December 17, 2017 Bode DoluLeave a Comment on “You Snakes! You Brood of Vipers!!”, By Femi Aribisala

The bus going from Lagos to Benin was waylaid by highway robbers. They got on the bus brandishing automatic weapons: “This is a stick up,” declared the leader of the gang in a menacing tone designed for maximum effect. “Is there anybody here who has been paying his tithes? If you have been paying your tithes raise your hands.”

A few passengers raised their hands sheepishly. He told those who did to move to one side. Then he declared: “Those of you who have not been paying your tithes are thieves and robbers. You have been robbing God. Therefore, we are going to rob you.” The robbers then carted away the money and valuables of those passengers who had not been paying their tithes.

Evangelical Thieves

You might not have heard this story before. But, in all probability, you might have heard a similar version of it. Different versions are common in the churches. Those who tell it insist it really happened. But every time you hear stories like this, know for a fact that it is a big fat lie. Only a thief would employ a thief to preach “the word of truth.” (James 1:18).

Consider this: a thief broke into a man’s house and held him at gunpoint. After collecting as much of his valuables as he could, he asked the house-owner a question on his departure: “Have you given your life to Christ?” The hapless house-owner replied in the negative. “I don’t believe in God,” he said.

The armed robber became concerned about the man’s salvation. So he sat back down and decided to have an extensive chat with him. For the next one hour, he preached to him as persuasively as he could, “the gospel of salvation.” Then he left with the man’s valuables.

Do you think the house-owner became a Christian? If he did, what kind of Christian do you suppose he became? What kind of righteousness can one expect to learn from a thief?

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.” (Matthew 23:15).

Tabernacle of Liars

If something is of God, it does not need to be promoted with lies. However, pastors don’t consider it a sin to tell lies in order to scare Christians into giving them their hard-earned money. Listen to one such fabrication coming from no less an eminent pastor than the former president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Ayo Oritsejafor: “I know there are some people telling you not to pay tithe. Don’t listen to them. They want to kill you. You go die quick.”

This is nothing but witchcraft. I have paid no tithe in over 20 years. Nevertheless, I am still alive. Indeed, God has blessed me with good health.

Pastor Sam Adeyemi says: “Tithing helps us to secure God’s blessings.” Compare and contrast this piece of sophistry with Jesus’ statement: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3). Did Jesus forget to include in his beatitudes: “Blessed are the tithers for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?” Certainly not!

“Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit.” (Jude 1:11).


Tithe-collecting pastors preach more persistently about tithing than they do about anything else. Even salvation does not come anywhere near in their scale of insistence.

Adeyemi continues: “The way you are a citizen of a country and it is mandatory that you pay your taxes to ensure national prosperity, is the same way that, as a citizen of God’s kingdom, you pay your tithe.” So God’s kingdom will not prosper without tithes? Malarkey! Where is it written that tithes are for the promotion of the kingdom of God?

Jesus asked: “‘What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own sons or from others?’ ‘From others,’ Peter answered. ‘Then the sons are exempt,’ Jesus said to him.” (Matthew 17:25-26).

For his part, so-called Apostle Johnson Suleman tells his congregation: “The tithe I pay every Sunday is more than the tithe all of you pay for two Sundays. I pay tithe to ministries, I pay tithe to ministers. It’s a personal revelation.” Suleman should be well-advised that all liars end up in the lake of fire. (Revelation 21:8).

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices – mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy and faithfulness.” (Matthew 23:23).


Pastor Enoch Adeboye says: “Please do not let anybody get you into trouble by attracting God’s curse to yourself, please pay your tithe.” This is fear-mongering. However, John says: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.” (1 John 4:18). Adeboye needs to take some bible lessons from Paul Adefarasin: “In this new covenant era, even if you don’t pay (tithe), there is no curse. There is no curse for the child of God in Christ. Only blessings.”

Bishop David Oyedepo is Adeboye’s partner-in-mischief. He says: “If you don’t pay tithe, you are permanently a beggar.” Poppycock! There is absolutely no scriptural basis for this kind of witchcraft. Nevertheless, the bishop is confident no one in his large congregation would dare contradict or challenge him. Indeed, Uche Maduagwu proclaims a dangerous article of faith: “Great pastors like Pastor Adeboye and Bishop Oyedepo cannot be wrong on tithe paying.”

They are not only wrong, they are deceitful.

Satanic Goodwill

Some “kindhearted” Christians have written to appeal to me to stop attacking pastors. They insist that I am undermining the Christian church and impeding the growth of the kingdom of God. What nonsense! Their concern reminds me of Peter who, out of the false goodness of his heart, would not have Jesus embrace the cross. This earned him a sharp rebuke: “Get behind me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:23).

Have you never heard? “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” (Matthew 23:13-14).

Pastors don’t promote the kingdom of God. They promote the kingdom of pastors. Pastors are Jesus-killers. Instead of allowing men to follow Jesus, they present themselves as the Jesus of men’s lives.

The Church of God needs no human defence. Jesus says: “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). If the church can be scattered and the kingdom impeded, then it is eloquent testimony that it is not of God but of men.

“You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.” (Matthew 23:24). “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?” (Matthew 23:33). Your time of desolation is near. These are the days of vengeance. Your bogus kingdoms must fall.

Credit: Femi Aribisala


Loving what you do matters a lot,its the grease that keeps the friction silent and makes for smooth sail.
Loving what you do most again as to wanting to improve yourself on the job aspired to be the best and never want to be found wanting in any front.
It add zest to life and make life more meaningful and pleasant.
  Without mincing words, love emboldens our life and our existence, shapes and moulds it,and without which we are fluid, nothingness, meaningless and what have you.

God is love,he has so fashioned our life and existence around love(Himself) that the worst we can do for ourselves is to want to or separate ourselves from love(Himself)

We are all a creative of love and created to love and as well to radiate and not to  repudiate it. We are to radiate it in its purest and finest form within and among ourselves. No wonder He said "love your neighbor as yourself" which He claimed to be the embodiment of all the laws.
Let's live in love,let's share love and let's keep doing love. He(JESUS) commanded it.

Sunday, 21 January 2018


When we refuse to partake in pagan festivals, we get labelled, called names and they see us as repugnant. I think that these festivals would one day become a thing of the past if people begin to reason for themselves not acting like programmed robots.


What crime have I committed for telling a Christian that Jesus Christ did not celebrate the New Year festival and I will not!!! Is it a sin to ask for evidences in the Bible to back up the celebration?




1st month Of the Year, NISSAN. (esther 3v7)

2nd Month Of the Year, ZIV or ZIF. (1kinks 6v1 and 6v37).

3rd Month Of the Year, SIVAN. (esther 8v9).

4th Month Of the Year, ABIB (exodus 13v3-4).

5th Month Of The Year 5th month was not mentioned in d bible, but. the Hebrew call it ABU.

6th Month of the Year, ELUL (nehemiah 6v15).

7th Month Of the Year, ETHANIM (1kinks 8v2).

8th Month Of the Year, BUL or BUWL (1kinks 6v38).

9th Month Of the Year, KISLEV (nehemiah 1v1).

10th Month Of the Year, TEVET or TEVETH (esther 2v6).

11th Month Of the Year, SHEBAT. (zechariah 1v7).

12th Month Of the Year ADDAR or ADARU (esther 3v7 and 3v13, and 8v12).

It is saddening that Christians favoured Pope Gregory over God's wish.


January- from the god, Janus

February - Romans festival of forgiveness of sins.

Mars - Roman god of War

April - Roman month Aprilis, perhaps derived from
aperire, (Latin to open, as in opening buds and
blossoms) or perhaps from Aphrodite, original Greek name of Venus.

May - Maia, Roman goddess, mother of Mercury by
Jupiter and daughter of Atlas

June - Juno, chief Roman goddess

July - Renamed for Julius Caesar in 44 BC, who was born
this month; Quintilis, Latin for fifth month, was the
former name (the Roman year began in March rather
than January)

August - Formerly Sextilis (sixth month in the Roman calendar); re-named in 8 BC for Augustus Caesar

September - September, (septem, Latin for 7) the seventh month in the Julian or Roman calendar, established in the reign of Julius Caesar

October - Eighth month (octo, Latin for 8) in the Julian (Roman) calendar. The Gregorian calendar instituted by
Pope Gregory XIII established January as the first month of the year.

November - Ninth Roman month (novem, Latin for 9).Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, skipping 10 days that October, correcting for too
many leap years

December : Julian (Roman) year's tenth month (decem,Latin for 10).

Christianity as a religion suffered and still suffering from the influence of Roman paganism and Western Immorality and immodesty.

Roman paganism taking away the true teachings of biblical prophets including Jesus replacing it with bloody sacrifice, God on cross, crucified avatar while Western immodesty and immorality giving Christians liberty to dress and mix how they want in contrast to the command of the Bible.

When people are drunk with the opium of falsehood mixed with elixir of lies served in a golden cup, the roughly dressed bitter nutritious truth becomes preposterous and the speaker of the truth, a Lunatic.


Of their arguments is that we should not bring religion into everything since they know it has no scriptural backing. If we are guilty of bringing religion into issues that are not religious, are they not super guilty for the special prayers, Tahajjud, praise and worship, Thanksgiving they organize? Why blame us for bringing religion into everything when in reality, they did not bring religion into it, they brought it into religion?